...the sublime art of hanging out
In this era where everyone is obsessed with money and everything is becoming more commercial and still if I told you there is Cafe where you can order whatever you want but there is no set prices for any food...do you think it's possible ?
Surprisingly ..the answer is Yes.. it is in India.
This idea Sukhmani Kohli made as a reality at Cafe Kaffee Kuchh in city of Chandigarh. It's very nice concept and something completely different than most of the people are thinking in India. Whole Indian market is becoming more Corporate Culture and few people like Sukhamani is going completely different way.
Cafe Kaffee Kuchh....is really fresh idea...few young people gather on every sunday...spent their whole day with each other. Bring food with them ....it's like big Pot-Luck party just to renew their frazzled spirits and start new week ahead.
I heard about Cafe Kaffee Kuchh on NPR on Sunday early morning...and the name Cafe Kaffee Kuchh was in my mind for whole day. People in US prefer mom-n-pop’s restaurants’ over Fast-food and chain restaurants’ . Fast-Food restaurants’ are here around 70 years. In India Fast-food restaurants’ are started just few years before, and people are trying to go away from this culture ? Does that mean Indian People just come to conclusion in 5-6 years ? Or Indians not appealed by Fast-food/mall concept very much ?
I don’t know this idea will spread all over…India ? Maybe …May be not…but one thing is sure Young Generation of India is thinking outside the box and that’s the most important….
I wish them all the best in their work.
NPR Link
Posted in: Cafe Kaffee Kuchh on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 at
Feeling like going there once.